2019 might have been the “Year of the Vegan,” but 2020 is already looking like another landmark year for plant-based progress. Here are some of the coolest stories from around the world we’ve seen so far!

Subway Goes Above and Beyond, Bringing Beyond Meatballs to Canadian Markets

Last week, Martha Stewart invited us into her home to show off Subway’s newest Canadian offering: the Beyond Meatball sub. While these meatless meatballs don’t actually spring fully formed from Martha’s garden, we think they’re still pretty great. These have been in participating U.S. stores since last year, and we’re happy our friends to the north can finally give them a try, too.

We read about this on Food and Wine.

At Domino’s USA Locations, Vegan Beef May Soon Reign Supreme

In a recent interview, Domino’s said they’re testing vegan beef and other plant-based crumble toppings in some of their U.S. locations. Soon, plant-based eaters will be able to recreate the infamous “None Pizza with Left Beef” for themselves! If you’ve seen these meat alternatives at a location near you, send us a picture on our Facebook or Instagram pages and let us know where you found it.

Thank you to LiveKindly for the article.

No One Out-Vegans the Hut

Speaking of pizza, Pizza Hut locations across the pond have begun introducing vegan pizza options for customers in the UK. However, they’ve finally perfected that pizzeria staple — pepperoni and cheese — with plant-based “pepperphoni” and cheese from Violife. While this is only available for a limited time this Veganuary, we’re hoping the Hut brings these stateside.

We found this over on VegNews. Go check out the full article on their site.

Meatless Sausage Roll Becomes a Real Banger, Earns Staff a Surprise Bonus

Finally, we’re staying in the UK for this. Greggs, which provides many of the country’s on-the-go lunches, introduced a vegan sausage roll last year. Now, they’ve announced that it was such a huge success, they’re giving out £7 million in bonuses to the employees who helped make it happen. Great job Britain, for taking the lead on Earth-friendly eating!

Thanks to Reuters for reporting on this! There’s a picture over on their site, and they do look tasty.

Orange Orchard: PR for People who Love Plants

We’re excited to see all these alternate meat proteins taking off. At Orange Orchard, we’re always looking for the next big thing, keeping an eye on the industry so we can help our clients grow. Also, we’re huge fans of vegan food. When you need a PR agency that’s on your side, contact Orange Orchard online or give us a call at (865) 977-1973.