We live in a digital world, and when trying to grow your vegan brand, it’s important to utilize all resources to grow your customer base. One of the best ways to scale your brand and engage potential customers is by using vegan public relations and owning the social media game.

Social media can be tricky, but here are 3 keys using social media to grow your vegan customer base:

  1. Hashtags

Since most social media platforms distribute content via an algorithm, it’s important to utilize hashtags to reach the appropriate audience. By tagging posts and photos with a hashtag, you can boost your content in the algorithm and reach a larger, more specific audience.

  1. Keywords

Just like SEO in blogs and press releases, keywords are an important asset in social media, too! By using words and phrases like vegan, cruelty-free and environmentally friendly, you can utilize the algorithm to boost your posts and reach more potential and current customers.

  1. Engagement

One of the most important aspects of social media is engagement. By liking, sharing and responding to others’ posts and comments, customers will become more familiar and comfortable around your brand. Engagement will also add credibility to your business by positioning it as an expert and thought leader in your industry.

Content is king and social media is one of the best ways to reach a target audience and engage with customers. That being said, it can be tricky when trying to balance all the things social media has to offer. Thankfully, the experts at Orange Orchard are vegan public relations pros and can help your brand own the social media game. If you’re ready to take your social media to the next level, give us a call at 865-977-1973 or visit our website.