For any animal welfare foundation, the main goal is to improve the lives of the creatures they seek to serve.

But in order for that goal to unfold, you need your message to be heard by the right people at the right time.

At that intersection, your message will either fall flat or plant a seed.

But it is that specific junction, where the motive you portray connects with the people you seek at a time you’ve garnered their interest, that determines whether your foundation could fly or fail.

And, if your nonprofit wants to soar, an animal welfare public relations team can make all the difference.

Not only can we position your foundation as an expert in your field, but our animal welfare PR group can showcase your achievements and help you reel in the support needed to continue helping animals across the world.

Moreover, we can aim your message at the right targets so that people across the animal welfare community will see the expertise your spokespeople offer, thereby reinforcing your foundation’s trustworthiness as a whole.

Then, we can help plant that seed of growth so that your nonprofit can flourish.

For the latter process to unfold properly, you need three things:

  • A strong, cohesive message that unites your foundation and brand
  • Targets that possess the reach necessary to spread your message well beyond your own fingertips
  • Experience in growth management, so that new opportunities and coverage don’t overwhelm you as you try to focus on the core work within your foundation

At Orange Orchard PR, we specialize in that process. Not only can we help your foundation learn to fly, but, once you’re soaring, we can help you choose and manage the direction you’d like to go.

Give us a call at (865)977-1973, or visit us online, and let’s get to work.