For companies producing natural, vegan and cruelty-free products, catching the consumer’s eye is challenging at best. Box stores and specialty shops are bursting at the seams with options, and the internet is flooded with news of the latest brands. When it seems the majority of companies are marketing-savvy with attractive branding and claims, how can you differentiate your own offerings? Working with a team of experts to develop a personalized, cruelty-free public relations strategy might reveal that content is key.

However, not just any content will do. Today’s consumer is hungry for DIY tips, life hacks and informative lifestyle-focused articles that make the average day a little more enjoyable. Rolling out content like this through your blog is an excellent method of delivery, and partnering with the right PR team that offers in-house content can help ensure consistent messaging and a regular cadence of posts. Here are a couple ways you can leverage blogs to drive consumer attention to your cruelty-free products:

Improve Online Visibility

By developing a standout calendar of engaging content that not only entertains and informs but serves to help potential customers find their way to your site, you can begin to get in front of consumers hoping to make a sound, fast buying decision. However, going about it alone can result in a lot of additional work when your focus needs to be elsewhere. It can also be tempting to cram in too many search terms or constantly sell your own cruelty-free products. Working with an experienced content team that understands your mission can help strike the balance you need between confidence in your offerings and the “edutainment” consumers expect, keeping intrigued readers on your page and softly pointing them toward recommended solutions provided by your brand.

Repurpose Content for Social Media

After the content is there, don’t consider it as having a shelf-life! Part of your cruelty-free public relations strategy should outline what to do after blogs and articles are finalized and published, and starting with social media is a great choice. Make sure these are shared on your official platforms, and ask your team and employees to share and like them as well to kickstart the engagement. There’s no harm in going back and resharing older blogs when the topic begins trending again, too. Engage with others commenting, humanize the interactions and point them back to your site for more information. 

If you’re interested in using content to upgrade your marketing, contact the cruelty-free public relations pros at Orange Orchard here or by calling (865) 977-1973.