Public relations can hone your message for a modern audience
How did animal welfare get labeled as “extremism?”
Most animal welfare advocates I know, including myself, are just normal people who love their pets and don’t want their choices of what to eat, wear or buy cause animals fear or pain.
But, in a world fraught with injustice, human issues often take center stage in public opinion, and the plight of our animal friends gets pushed to the side. In the face of this challenge, some animal welfare organizations might resort to extreme measures to get their message heard.
These tactics get media attention, but is it the right kind of media attention? Could it do more harm than good? Extreme tactics tend to drive supporters away, not attract them to your cause.
If you are championing a cruelty-free cause or leading an animal welfare foundation, a public relations agency that shares your ideals can help you craft a message that gets credible media attention, keeping you firmly in the mainstream. You’ll retain a wider audience and see better results overall. Here are a few ways an animal welfare public relations agency can help.
Just the Facts
You don’t have to sacrifice your message to go mainstream. Being passionate about your cause adds authenticity, but be sure to present verifiable facts and figures, too. If possible, find a way that helping the animals you champion also helps humans. Professional content creators like we have at Orange Orchard are adept at quickly learning about the factors at play and adding the science seamlessly to your content.
Get Training
It’s likely that you will be called upon to represent your animal welfare cause on camera, over the radio or on podcasts, or in traditional newspaper interviews. It is vital to prepare for these appearances in advance so you get your message across clearly and on topic. Our public relations specialists at Orange Orchard can give you and your entire team media training and even craft a crisis plan in case the press doesn’t go your way.
Go Social
Social media is a great tool to raise awareness of and support for your animal welfare foundation, but the wrong posts can get you labeled as extreme or even banned. Find a balance in your social media content between passion-invoking and feel-good, click-worthy posts. Our social media specialists at Orange Orchard know what works and what doesn’t. They can create posts that will gain, not lose, followers for your cause.
If you are leading an animal welfare cause or foundation, Orange Orchard is a public relations agency that shares your ideals and goals. We want to see you succeed, so call us today at (865) 977-1973 or contact us online.