When you consider that so many donations to a nonprofit organization start by viewing a post on social media, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to get all those eyes on yours!

According to the Global Trends in Giving Report, 25% say that social media is what inspires them the most to give, and not just once. According to the report, of the 32% who give on Facebook, 89% say they’d give through that platform again.  For the 10% who gave on Instagram, an overwhelming 93% say they’d go this route again to make a future donation.

An experienced animal welfare public relations partner can help you make the most of social media views and encourage someone to pause on your cause.

Showcase donors and contributions

Social media is a great way to show your supporters how their gifts are being used and the difference they make. It makes a donation feel less like a transaction, but rather a more visible and tangible way to be a part of your efforts and mission. Sharing a post such as an animal at a sanctuary enjoying a meal that was provided shows exactly what a gift can do. And it could also encourage more social media visitors to join the team. That’s where the experts at Orange Orchard can be a partner and help identify the end results and photos that will resonate with social media viewers.

Like, share, and connect

Lots of people are looking for opportunities to give and serve. For example, college students who are active on social media often have volunteer service hours to fulfill with clubs and honors programs. They could meet those requirements at any number organizations. If they choose to spend a day at yours, there’s probably a connection that made them stop on your post, and it’s one to build on! The Orange Orchard team can help you discover and share the backstory of why someone was compelled to spend time helping. When the person who volunteered at your cleanup or work day or other event shares your post, others may be encouraged to give a gift of time, or money, too.

Maintain your relationships – near and far

The great thing about getting the word out about your nonprofit on social is it gives you a way to stay connected with supporters and continue the relationships while making new ones. Distance doesn’t matter when they can support you right from their phone or computer. Whether your supporters are in your city, or on another continent, social helps you stay connected with the latest news about your organization.

The public relations professionals at Orange Orchard can help you with a social media strategy that considers the events and news, even the day-to-day activities that give people a look inside the work your organization does to fulfill your mission. They understand the difference and effectiveness of planning a well-placed, well-timed post.

The Orange Orchard pros can help design a social media calendar that sets you up for success in likes, comments, sharing, and financial support. Are you ready to connect with their team of experts and see what social can do to increase your donations? Contact Orange Orchard or call us at (865) 977-1973.