Here’s How Your Ecotourism Destination Can Help
We’ve all seen the videos of dolphins swimming in the canals of Venice or coyotes strolling along the Golden Gate Bridge. But not all animals are benefiting from the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, many are facing even greater threats.
According to, lockdowns and travel restrictions are hurting conservation efforts, including those dependent on ecotourism. The article states:
This is often the case in Africa, where a massive ecotourism industry funds conservation efforts. In Namibia, tourism accounts for 16 percent of employment; in Tanzania, which is home to Mount Kilimanjaro, protected lands cover over a quarter of the country’s total area. But nearly overnight, those tourism industries have declined, and will likely stay shuttered through September at least, according to the Nature Conservancy.
Your ecotourism destination, along with the people and animals who depend on it, is facing a difficult time right now. But your patrons are still there, ready to visit you once this crisis is over. You can keep the conservation mission alive by reaching out to them with ecotourism public relations. Here are some ways Orange Orchard can help.
Keeping in Touch
It’s vital to stay in touch with your audience during this time. While their ability to travel is diminished, their love of the culture and the wildlife in your destination is still strong. Let them know what you’re doing, what your plans are for going forward, and the struggles and perils the people and wildlife in your area are facing. Encourage them to donate to conservation efforts and economic supports for local people.
Social media, blogs and emails are great ways to accomplish this. Make sure everything you send is media-rich to better engage your audience. Our communications professionals can help you get the message just right.
Thought Leadership
Media outlets around the globe are looking for stories about the impacts of COVID-19, and while those Venice dolphins have gotten a lot of press, the wildlife near your destination may not be on the radar. It’s likely you can offer a unique take on COVID-19 impacts, one that reporters would like to hear.
We can position you as a conservation thought leader during this time, a champion for your location and the culture and the wildlife you’ve chosen to share with the world.
Visitors will return to your destination. When they do, what will they find? We can help you protect the culture and creatures you love. If you would like to learn more about our ecotourism public relations services, just call (865) 977-1973 or contact Orange Orchard online today.