There are still silver linings to be found in the darkest times. During the coronavirus pandemic, people are still doing good. For example, with more people working from home than ever before, there has been a surprising uptick in pet adoptions.
Animal welfare foundations are stepping up to provide the funding to shelters and rescue groups to make this happen, but they can’t do it alone. To be able to fulfil their missions, they need to find partners with more resources than individual donors.
So, where to find these funding partners? The business world is one option. Increasingly, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a necessary business function in the private sector. Corporations are looking to support good causes, so, for animal welfare foundations, this provides an opportunity to establish useful partnerships to secure the funding to fulfill their missions.
For example, during the pandemic, footwear brand Skechers has upped its donations to help homes for shelter animals. The company donated $509,000 to the Petco Foundation during the first quarter of 2020, according to Apparel News:
“Many in the country are working from home or are under stay-at-home orders and are feeling isolated. Adopting an animal can make the difference,” Skechers president Michael Greenberg said. “Consumers love the comfortable styles and give-back message of BOBS from Skechers. We’re grateful that through their purchases, we’ve been able to donate $509,000 already in 2020, help thousands of animal welfare agencies during this challenging time and enable them to offer companionship to all of those people who are sheltering in place across our nation.”
To reach these corporate decision makers, it make sense to partner with an experienced animal welfare public relations agency like Orange Orchard the right PR strategy to catch the attention of the biggest corporations.
We Can Help
Orange Orchard loves to support animal welfare and promote the foundations that are doing the important work of protecting animals. If you’re looking for a public relations partner to boost the visibility of your foundation, contact Orange Orchard or call us today at (865) 977-1973.