As travel restrictions are being lifted, tourists are ready to get back out and explore. According to a report from, over half of global travelers want to travel sustainably, and they’re looking for more options. If your organization offers an ecotourism destination, do enough people know about it?

An environmentally friendly public relations agency like Orange Orchard knows how to use ecotourism public relations to earn the visibility you need.

What do eco-tourists want to know?

The benefits of ecotourism are obvious, and they can be easy to promote. Does your organization offer specific traveling opportunities? Do you use contributed funds to give back to the environment, wildlife, or indigenous community? Travelers want to know how you contribute to these areas, as they are environmentally-conscious enough to choose ecotourism in the first place.

How do I spread the word?

Public relations lets your good works and specific offerings, as well as your destination’s beauty in itself, speak for you. After all, honest, earned promotion is the most beneficial to an organization like yours. Maintaining social media accounts and an updated website plays a huge part in promotion, but PR takes it a step further. We can connect you with the right media to promote your ecotourism destination in the most appealing ways. We know your target audience, and we know how best to communicate with them.

If you’re looking for new ways to promote your ecotourism offerings, public relations is the right direction. At Orange Orchard, we’re experienced with conservation promotion, and we’d love to help you take your efforts to an internationally recognized level. For more information on what we can do for you, give us a call at (865) 977-1973 or visit Orange Orchard online.