When we think about endangered species, there is often a select group we immediately picture. From orangutans to Sumatran tigers and from blue whales to red wolves, their beautiful faces spring to mind as headlining a list of animals in desperate need of help. As disheartening as it is for any species to be endangered or threatened, it would be a pipedream to think the list doesn’t extend well-beyond the animals receiving the most attention. If your foundation champions one or more animals often found outside the spotlight, consider investing in animal welfare public relations to capture the attention of more supporters.

One great example of a lesser-known denizen of our planet catching the media’s attention is the recent story of a multimillion-dollar airport project being stalled due to a sighting of the rare rusty patched bumblebee. Juanpablo Ramirez-Franco relayed the battle to protect the insect on NPR’s All Things Considered.

A project of this magnitude coming to a screeching halt might attract media attention on its own, but sometimes getting the word out about the valuable lives of the creatures you’re working to protect could benefit from a boost. Here are some ways choosing to partner with an agency specializing in animal welfare foundations can help increase awareness and create urgency for your cause.

Sharing campaigns through strategic media outreach

To create momentum for a species many aren’t use to talking about, it must begin with a well-developed strategy. Any PR team can put together a strategy, but choosing an agency specializing in animal welfare public relations will yield more accurate and consistent messaging as they plan to tell the world about the species you wish to save.

After agreeing on strategy, well-timed press releases can help add credibility and urgency to your campaigns. With compelling statistics and moving quotes from experts on your team, a good press release is an excellent tool for catching the eye of journalists writing for the audiences you want to reach.

The goal, ultimately, is earned media placement – stories and interviews that aren’t sponsored or paid for by your organization. As potential supporters read about your cause, as told by journalists writing for their favorite sites and outlets, they will be more likely to include your foundation in their charitable giving budgets.

If your animal welfare foundation is working to spotlight and save a species that might be less familiar to the masses, contact us at Orange Orchard today at (865) 977-1973.