There used to be a saying in the advertising business: “If you aren’t doing it, this is what happens: nothing.” This sentiment can be used to describe what happens to your company’s social media accounts (and fans) when no one is minding the store.

Having an engaged social media presence is especially important when promoting eco-friendly products, where building a loyal fan base can help your business reach influencers and can differentiate you from your competition.

The number of earth-conscious products available has skyrocketed, and along with that, so have Google searches for information about these types of products. So, be careful to monitor what trends are in your space before blasting your posts to the public.

Here are some tips:

  • If your product is earth-friendly, make sure everyone knows it and why. Just because something is plant-based doesn’t always mean it’s earth-friendly. Case in point: palm oil. It is aggressively produced using clear-cutting of sensitive forests, so if your competitor uses palm oil in its products, be sure to state you don’t use it and highlight why you don’t.
  • Use video to promote your animal-friendly business. If your business uses products and ingredients that are animal-friendly use that to your advantage (but be conscientious). A non-scientific study calculated that videos with animals averaged more than 6,500 views overall on YouTube.
  • Always use enticing (but honest) photos with every post. If your business sells vegan burgers, take amazing photos of customers eating delicious-looking burgers to boost engagement. Studies show that tweets with photos are retweeted 150% more than tweets without.

Just remember to always be professional and transparent with your social media posts, because your statements will be scrutinized by both consumers and your competition. If you don’t have a professional and experienced social media team, you may want to consider partnering with Orange Orchard to manage your social presence.