Thought leadership is a big conversation piece in the green solutions world. There are more than a few leaders on the topic, and it can be difficult to get your voice heard. Even though it may seem difficult, becoming a thought leader is imperative in the green tech solutions world.
As KPI Target shared, thought leadership is an important way to position your brand as an industry expert.
Thought leadership impacts brand perception, compels decision makers to take action, and provides a basis for your target audience to determine your company’s trustworthiness, competence and credibility… thought leadership is a more trustworthy basis for assessing the capabilities and competencies of an organization than its marketing materials or product sheets.
Here are 3 tools to position yourself as a thought leader:
1. Write Blogs
Blogs are a great way to get your thoughts and knowledge out into the public eye and establish yourself as a thought leader. Blogging allows you to demonstrate your vast knowledge on green solutions and allows you to offer commentary not found anywhere else online. With blogging, you have control over what subjects are discussed and the direction of the conversation.
2. Engage on Social Media
Social media engagement is an essential asset to any green brand. Use social media to share blogs, network with others in your industry, and connect with your audience. Engagement is more than just posting, however. Pose a question, reply to comments, and have a conversation with your followers.
3. Promote the Cause
It can be easy to stray off-topic with blogs or social media. Often brands slip into self-promotion instead of topic-promotion. Thought leadership is about proving your brand as a knowledgeable source on a topic. By self-promoting, your content takes away from the topic at hand. Be sure to promote your brand’s industry knowledge and expertise.
Becoming an industry thought leader can be difficult, but the experts at Orange Orchard can help. With combined decades of experience, Orange Orchard can help position your brand as an industry expert qualified to offer advice and commentary on topics important to you.
If you’re ready to become an industry thought leader, give us a call at (865) 977-1973 or visit our website.