Did you hear the news? In July, New York just became the first state in the country to ban cat declawing. It took more than four years to get this bill signed into law, but it’s finally happened. Violators face a fine of up to $1,000, although there can be medical exceptions.

As animal welfare public relations experts and advocates, the Orange Orchard team loves cats. And dogs. And orangutans. And whales. And basically any other furry, scaly, slimy, feathered — you get the idea — creature that shares this planet with us. This bill is a victory for the cats of New York and animal lovers everywhere. We hope this is just the first state to make a move like this.

Speaking up for the defenseless

You see, declawing a cat is a barbaric practice we put right up there with circuses using live animals and labs turning animals into test subjects. This ban is a small step in the right direction for domesticated animals, and paws … er … fingers crossed, it’s just the first of many.

New York’s cats had Assemblywoman Linda B. Rosenthal — who introduced the bill in Jan. 2015 — fighting for them. Luckily, she’s not alone. Domestic and wild animals alike have advocates working to create better lives for them across the globe.

Personal investment

We’re proud to work with several organizations that provide voices for animals across the globe who can’t speak for themselves. Whether it’s saving the rain forests of Indonesia for the endangered orangutan, fighting against the fur trade or just striving to help society learn how to treat animals are treated with compassion and respect, animal welfare is a priority for our team and the organizations we partner with.

At the end of each day, our team members go home and are met with love by the critters waiting on us, whether it’s our cats, dogs or even the snakes one of our team members has. We’re personally invested in helping animal welfare organizations, and from public relations to content to savvy social media, we’ve got the skills to help you fight. Contact Orange Orchard or give us a call at 865-977-1973 and let us get started.