Orange Orchard Public Relations Can Help!
Companies with plant-based products have the opportunity to get in front of consumers in a fresh, new way…and it may be one your vegan brand competitors haven’t even thought about! “Going virtual” is a term we’re all familiar with in 2020. It seems everywhere you turn, a once crowd-filled event is now online. The coveted trade show with prominent booth space is no exception. Business professionals can attend a virtual event and collect your materials without dreaded travel plans to get there or time constraints when they visit your space. With the help of an experienced, passionate plant-based public relations team like Orange Orchard, you can have an even more prominent area at the show and reach customers in their natural habitats…at home, work, school and play!
Why Virtual Trade Shows?
Virtual trade shows have many advantages. According to Exhibitor Media Group, adding a virtual component to your onsite marketing efforts, your business is able to attract customers in a more affordable and comfortable setting. The addition of a virtual component expands your potential audience drastically. There is also increased awareness, more revenue streams, not to mention invaluable lead generation.
A virtual event can become an everlasting source of branding and education, with your company leading the way as the industry authority. The right public relations firm can help you land that spot!
Build a Community and Increase Loyalty with your Consumers
Your virtual trade show placement can become an area where like-minded people connect. That sense of community brings a sense of belonging and loyalty to your organization and your brand.
If you would like to know how events like these can work to showcase your brand, and learn how to engage prospects year round, let us help you plan your strategy. We are a vegan-owned PR Agency, sharing your commitment to promote plant-based products and strive to be a part of a kinder, healthier world.
Contact our dedicated, results-driven public relations experts at (865) 977-1973 to set up a meeting today, or contact Orange Orchard online.