If you can provide a green, sustainable solution to a current environmental need, that’s a fantastic start. It’s almost 2020, and with an increasing demand for eco-friendly products and services, your company is sure to get some attention.

To build even more credibility and sustain top-of-mind awareness, however, you should take steps to nurture your human connection and develop the face of your company into a sustainability thought leader.

By partnering with a full-service agency experienced in sustainability public relations like Orange Orchard, you’ll find training, media outreach and editing services that will help your spokesperson rise through the ranks as a respected source in your space, and by association, your brand will enjoy new levels of credibility.

The Path to Thought Leadership

At Orange Orchard, our accounts and content teams work together and employ a number of strategies to establish and develop recognized industry thought leaders. Here are three examples of how we can take your spokesperson to the next level in the sustainability space:

  1. Media training: Everyone starts somewhere, and even experienced executives and high-powered business leaders can benefit from a media training session with a seasoned PR team. Messaging and positioning are important in any industry, but it’s critical to be prepared for tough questions when promoting sustainability. With the prevalence of greenwashing, savvy reporters will want to make sure you’re on the up-and-up.
  2. Offering bylined material: Getting in front of the camera or being quoted by a national reporter are great, but providing your own contributions to an outlet read by your target audience is a fantastic way to be recognized as a thought leader. Orange Orchard offers a one-two punch in our pursuit of thought leader contributions – our crack PR team can secure opportunities to contribute to leading publications, and our seasoned content department can help ensure your articles are edited for best journalistic practices and retain your key messages.
  3. Name recognition and speaking engagements: What better way to deliver your key messages and establish credibility than to do it in person? Speaking at the right sustainability conferences is not only prime thought leader positioning, but it affords networking opportunities too! Developing compelling speaking proposals is one of our specialties, and since they often have to be booked well in advance, it’s never too early to start.

To learn more about how we can help develop your spokesperson into a trusted sustainability thought leader, please contact Orange Orchard today at (865) 977-1973.