The countdown to 2021 has been going on for months. This past year hasn’t been great for a lot of folks, and many have found hope in knowing 2021 is just around the corner.
You know where we find hope? Knowing that plant-based trends are going to become even more prominent in the future. The world is changing, and we’re excited to be a part of that growth.
Whole Foods Market recently put together a list of the “The Next Big Things: Top 10 Food Trends for 2021,” and plant-based foods played a prominent part in several of them, especially as Americans continue to put a focus on healthier eating habits. From changes in cooking oils to meatless options to even more flavors of Kombucha, 2021 has the potential to be America’s healthiest year yet. Here’s what the writer had to say:
The lines are blurring between the supplement and grocery aisles, and that trend will accelerate in 2021. That means superfoods, probiotics, broths and sauerkrauts. Suppliers are incorporating functional ingredients like vitamin C, mushrooms and adaptogens to foster a calm headspace and support the immune system.
An October 2020 survey noted that nearly 47% of Americans began eating more plant-based foods during the COVID-19 pandemic. Folks are growing more and more concerned with making better choices and cleaner eating. As a plant-based and vegan public relations agency, we couldn’t be happier to hear it.
At Orange Orchard, we work with companies and organizations doing their part to make the world a better place and offer healthy options. We want to help you do your part, too.
From healthy foods to environmentally friendly products to conservation efforts that might just save an endangered species, we’re helping eco-conscious folks all around the world spread their message and encourage others to make a better choice. We’d like to help you spread your message, too.
We’d like to help you change the world. Contact Orange Orchard today, and let us get started.