Interacting with journalists can be stressful, especially for business leaders who have never done it before. Most media interviews are straightforward, but there is always the risk of saying something that can be misconstrued and your green construction company’s reputation is harmed in the process.

This is why it is important to hire a green construction public relations firm that can train you and your spokesperson on how to handle interviews and work with the media to tell your story.

You can bet that the high-powered executives you see on television or who are interviewed in major business outlets have taken a media training session or two. It’s critical to be prepared for tough questions to avoid sounding as though you are greenwashing your product or services.

Media training for you

Media training coaches a specialized form of communication and your eco-friendly business is a specialized form of construction. The goal of media training is to prepare you or your spokespersons on how to prepare and predict questions, avoid common traps and focus on delivering your key messages on your terms.

But, since green construction is also quite different from regular construction, your role may also be to educate the interviewer on terminology or processes they may have never heard of before. At Orange Orchard, our eco-conscious team can prepare you on how to handle the dual role of eloquently speaking to the media while still educating journalists on topics that are common in green construction.

Making your message clear

When you first start speaking with the media on a regular basis, your comfort level might be low. While this is totally normal, a lack of confidence can have a negative impact on your brand and even make it seem as though you may be hiding something. A green construction pr agency can help.

PR professionals can help you craft your message and provide advice to make sure that message is clear and concise. Media training helps you know how to weave this message in your answers without seeming too self-serving or evasive.

Developing relationships with journalists

The key to positive public relations outcomes is to develop relationships. This includes relationships with partners, customers and the media.

If a topic that relates to your industry slips into the news, you want both local and national reporters to call on you to comment on this topic. This helps you build your company’s brand and defines you as a thought leader.

If you’re ready to talk to the media and want a successful interview, the team at Orange Orchard is ready to help. Call us today at (865) 977-1973 or contact us to set up a media training session.